Friday, August 8, 2008

Lucky Baby - all eight (8)

You wouldn't believe this mates, neither do I when I first read this on Yahoo! Odd news.

Name: Hailey Jo Hauer
Birthdate: August 8, 2008
Birth time: 8:08 am
Weight: 8 pounds and 8 ounces

Amazing huh?! That sure made me jealous. But nah, thanks anyway, I don't want my baby Lauriana Akisha to come out premature, nah-uh! No way!

Another thing they didn't notice though was the first letter of the baby's First Name and Last Name, "H".
Well, if you'll count it, "H" is the eigth() letter in the alphabet. Also, if you'll add up the number of letters of her first name, "H-A-I-L-E-Y-J-O", the total is 8 letters. Not sure if that's still a coincidence or merely a fact that her mother gave her. Either way, that kid sure is lucky and I hope she'll be lucky and have a good life.


Unknown said...

That was indeed amazing! Whether or not it's a coincidence, she's still lucky!

Btw 'mor, wish you and Lauriana Akisha (cool name!) a good health. Hehe.:D

P.S. Don't mean to spam, just want to leave a link to my Blogsome Blog.
(unfortunately there's no name-url identity option. Hehe)

Laurie Amor said...

wow thanks dane. sure i'll add you to my link list. add me in yours too...