Friday, August 29, 2008

♥ Tag-tag-tag from Molit-lit-lit ♥

Molit had tagged Me, Myself and I ... Thanks...

Here’s the rule…

Click copy/paste, type in your answers and tag three people in your list! Don’t forget to change my answers to the questions with that of yours.

1. Places I go over and over

♥ Home

♥ Office

♥ Church

2. People who e-mails me regularly

♥ Friendster Updates
♥ Horoscope Updates
♥ Group Updates

3. Five of my favorite places to eat?

♥ Chowking
♥ McDonald's
♥ RGR Bakery

4. Places you’d rather be?

♥ Beach
♥ Hill
♥ Home

5. Five TV shows I could watch over and over.

♥ Detective Conan
♥ Sex and the City
♥ El Cuerpo del

I will forward this tag to my ever friends:

♥ Mary Dane
♥ Shamai
♥ Raquel

♥ August almost over ♥

♥The 8th month of the year 2008, may be almost over but that doesn't stop me from living normally and still plan ahead for my life, my baby, my family.

My dream may have not came to reality but I know it will and it'll be more special than I expect them to be.

Thank God for this another month. May you always guide and protect me, my baby and bebeh and the rest of my loved ones. Amen+

♥ Keesha on her 27th week ♥

Lauriana Akisha's update on her fetal development on her 27th week and still counting. 12 weeks more to go...

So here's an update taken from

Your not-so-tiny-anymore brilliant baby(about 2 pounds and 14.5 inches long!) is slowly rotating in preparation to “head out.” Obviously, this doesn’t happen overnight, but when you start to feel an unfamiliar pressure on your cervix, you’ll know you’ve got a fully flipped baby locked and loaded for the countdown to their birthday! Even now, at the beginning of the third trimester, their little lungs are already capable of breathing air while the pulmonary vascular system can provide sufficient gas exchange and the central nervous system can generally regulate rhythmic breathing as well as their basal body temperature. For what it’s worth, at this point in a healthy pregnancy a premature child (with intensive care) could easily win on the show: “Survivor: The Early Years.”

My Fill-ins

Thanks Raquel for forwarding this tag to me.


My roommate and I once: sleep in one room, duh?!

Never in my life have I: eaten BALOT and I don't have any plans of breaking it. YUCK!

High school was: second best among my students years. College years will always be my NUMBER 1!!

When I’m nervous: I just try to relax, breathe in, breathe out then I'm over it.

My hair: is short and black.

When I was 5: I already have 2 or 3 crush-es. Early bloomer... lol

When I turn my head left: I try to think that it's empty.

I should be: submitting my report by now. lol

By this time next year: I'm still living happy with my Bebeh Damulag and my Baby Akisha. :-D

My favorite aunt is: no one. I never met any of them in person.

I have a hard time understanding: my bf's mom.

You know I like you if: you're always there beside me, it makes me feel safe.

My ideal breakfast is: french fries and chicked lauriat! Yum3x

If you visit my home town: you'll say that you never left Davao since my home town is Davao. lol

If you spend the night at my house: don't expect that you can sleep, because we'll be up all night chit-chatting. lol

The animal I would like to see flying besides birds: elephants! like Dumbo!!!

I shouldn’t have been: this happier if not for this wonderful blessing, my baby kisha.

Last night I: I was working.

A better name for me would be: Laurie.

I’ve been told I look like: Denise Richards *my friend's mom said*. Anyone else, no doubt they told me so. lol

If I could have any car, it would be: a flying car! Futuristic eh.

I want to share this tag to: Lili Vale,
Joanna & Molit

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Kisha on her 26th week

Ever wonder, how my baby's doing by this week. She's on her 26th week now. So that's 13 WEEKS more to go before her arrival, isn't that exciting?! I'm so excited. Yepee!

So here's an update taken from

At long last, your little swimmer can see the womb! Your miracle’s little eyelids have finally separated (they were fused closed previously) and they’re probably having their first moments of sight as you read this (or maybe it already happened while you were brushing your teeth or watching Oprah or something). In addition to seeing their little studio in your belly, they’ve recently acquired the ability to say “yes” and “no” in rudimentary sign language as they can now move their head back and forth.

This is also the time where your little super star’s head hair is starting to grow! A cute little cowlick or two may be springing into position right now, getting ready for years of cute-but-stubborn bed-head. Also, their toenails have grown in and you little raisin continues to slowly pile up fat beneath their still-loose skin.

Most importantly, brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace, increasing their (genius-level?) brain activity and will continue to function at accelerated levels for the first seven to eight years of childhood!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kickass Blogger Award

Wow! I never ever imagined myself as one nor in my dreams yet, I was awarded with this. Thanks Raquel for this award.

Here are the rules:
Do you know any bloggers that kick ass? Maybe they’ve got incredible, original content. Or they’re overflowing with creativity. Is it someone that helps you become a better blogger? Or a bloggy friend you know you can count on? Or maybe it’s someone who simply inspires you to be a better person… or someone else who sends you to the floor, laughing your ass off. Whatever the reason may be, I’m sure you know at least a couple of bloggers that kick ass. Well… why not tell ‘em so?


Choose 5 bloggers that you feel are “Kick Ass Bloggers”
Let ‘em know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they’ve received an award . Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to . Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on!

Let me share this award to my fellow Co-Bloggers:
1. Mary Dane
5. Orellie

Friday, August 15, 2008

The Day you said "You like me"

August 15, 2004 at NCCC Mall B3

Who would have thought, 4 years since then that we'd really be together. You know how I used to never been able to imagine you and me being together yet here we are.

Against all odds: friends, family, differences, will and odd circumstances.

I love you so much Hinahon, my forever man. mwahugz

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chores Meme

A tag from Raquel:This meme is pretty simple.Here are the rules:

1. List down the household chores you hate and why. Do you think you can survive without helpers and nannies?
2. Copy the image.
3. Tag as many girlfriends you want, the daddies and hubbies can also join.
4. Add your blog’s link in the domesticated divas linky love. You can add all your blogs.
5. Leave me a comment and I’ll add you up in the masterlist.

Domesticated Divas:

Living the Healthy Life / Stripe & Yellow / Vanity Kit / Mind Bubbles / Something Purple / Em's Detour / Me,Myself+2 / Kidd Designs / FunFierce Fabulous / Ozzy's Mom / Insights from the Grocery Cart / Living A' La Mode / God's Best Gift / MommyAllehs Up-Close and Personal / My Precious Niche / Just Me..Eds / Eds Mommy Life / Mommy Talks / Aggie Shoots. Aggie Scraps / All Kinds of Me Stuff / The Salad Caper / Winding Creek Circle / InkBabyStudios / My Happy Place / I am Dzoi / Suburban Sass / To the Moon and Back / Raising Sandy / All Things Me / Because Life is Fun / Feels like Home / Growing Up with Bea / My own piece of Heaven / Arlene's Random Ramblings / Life's All About / Bojoy-Box of Nice Things / I am Missing uu so Much / Sudden Twist to Bliss

House Chores I hate:

* Wiping the windows -> with the heat outside, I can't stand it. Also, due to height-inferiority I need to get myself a stool just to be able to reach the top. It sucks!

* Applying floor wax -> I hate its smell. I hate staying on squat for a long time that when I stand up I get dizzy (I'm anemic).

* Cleaning the yard -> It's really hot outside. I'll just do it if I feel like doing it so don't nag on me.

* Cleaning the bathroom -> Duh?! Depends on the mood.

* Laundry -> particularly handwashing.

I am now tagging: Rosavi, Raphael, Gerald and Shamai

Friday, August 8, 2008

Lucky Baby - all eight (8)

You wouldn't believe this mates, neither do I when I first read this on Yahoo! Odd news.

Name: Hailey Jo Hauer
Birthdate: August 8, 2008
Birth time: 8:08 am
Weight: 8 pounds and 8 ounces

Amazing huh?! That sure made me jealous. But nah, thanks anyway, I don't want my baby Lauriana Akisha to come out premature, nah-uh! No way!

Another thing they didn't notice though was the first letter of the baby's First Name and Last Name, "H".
Well, if you'll count it, "H" is the eigth() letter in the alphabet. Also, if you'll add up the number of letters of her first name, "H-A-I-L-E-Y-J-O", the total is 8 letters. Not sure if that's still a coincidence or merely a fact that her mother gave her. Either way, that kid sure is lucky and I hope she'll be lucky and have a good life.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Yepee! IT'S MY DAY! 08-08-08

Finally, this day arrives, August 08, 2008, or 08-08-08. Whew!

Wow, if given the chance, I would have proposed to GJ long ago and set our wedding on this day and starts at 8:08 p.m. Well, there's no way I can turn back the time now, since it's too late and I wasn't given the chance either. Like duh, why whould I propose to him? He should be the one who'll propose since he's the guy. (Yeah right, I used to act like a guy but that's beyond the point, a'ryt!)

So, today came and I'm still not engaged but I'm still attached and of course head over heels in love with the man whom I so much adore for almost 4 years now and the father of my baby Lauriana Akisha.

Things may have not turn out the way I dreamt them to be. Anyway, the day isn't over yet though, it's just starting, it's still 2:32 am and I have a long way to go and still have more things that I can do to make this day SPECIAL.

Hmmm, hope I can think of ways which I haven't yet done before that I can do today. Of course, with the people I care about around me to help me out. Right guys?! I can't hear ya! Nah, I know they're all there. LOL

So GJ, I'm daring you, what are you gonna do to make this day special for me? Huh?!
I dare you guys, make this day special for me, something I'll never ever forget.

REMEMBER: The next 08-08-08 comes a thousand years from now. I won't live that long to make my dreams come true but you guys can still make it special. Thanks.

Special mention to Roger for being the first one to greet me, and Molit, second person to greet, they know it's my day. So as to Gerald for giving me an image I can use for this post. Thanks guys

The Late Update

Sorry guys, for the late news. Been busy, finding a hard time getting my fingers type about this post. Last July 14, 2008, was GJ's birthday and so as my Ultrasound day, the day which we'll be finding out whether this lil angel in me is a boy or a girl. We were so excited to find it out, especially seeing that expression of excitement on GJ's face. Oh, you guys should've seen. Anyway, I know that GJ wanted a boy and that it would be the most beautiful gift he'd receive ever in his life. But of course I told him, whether a boy or a girl as long as it's normal, healthy and complete, that would be more than a gift to me. So as to stop the pressure for the baby.

We went to Ricardo Limso Medical Center for the process, bad thing, the room is closed. Good thing on the other hand, my OB suggested this clinic that offers ultrasound. As I was waiting for my turn, I can feel baby moving inside me, feeling excited too for us to find out its gender. And so, the doctor's apprentice walked me inside the room and instructed me to lie down and feel comfortable and all that. Then the doctor came to me, placed a gel on my tummy, (that was a cold one) and started rubbing this device on my tummy and the monitor in front of me starts to show white images, the xray sort of thing. After a few tries of locating my baby's position inside, there it appeared so clearly to me, the head, legs, feet, hands. It's curled, the way baby's do inside so as its heartbeating, oh so nice. It's like a rhythm, a beautiful melody. If only I could record that. The doctor then asked us if we wanted to know our baby's gender, if you only knew, I could have almost shout at her, "Hell yeah! That's what we're here for, duh?!" Good thing, I'm so happy, I have no time for the bad aura coming out of me. So we simply said, "Yes" with all glee. So the doctor, further delved the device on my tummy I was like, "Hey, you might hurt my baby" because she was like delving it like poking it hard with that device. But knock2, that's a doctor you're cursing, that's what I said to myself and made my mind stop talking nonsense.

All caps, A-N-Y-W-A-Y, back to the real thing. The doctor, poked my tummy even harder to find the right position in order to find out whether it's a cheese burger or a hotdog sandwich, LOL. THEN, she said, that it's a GIRL. Honestly, a pang of disappointment hit me, I sure saw that too on GJ's face, but I know too well that there's no more room for that now, since baby girl, Lauriana Akisha is in me. She's too glad for us to know that shes' a SHE and most especially, she's so far normal and complete. And for that thought, I know we are blessed. It's a gift.
I won't let anyone disappoint my baby neither do I let GJ nor myself.

Thank God, my baby is alright and great. The best advance gift both for my birthday and christmas.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Wow, thanks Raquel although I'm not much of a coffee fanatic, but for real thanks for always keeping me updated on your Friend Activities.

A perfect blend of Friendship Award

Thanks Raquel for these Awards, I could not ask for more than being happy of meeting you in my life. Hope these values gets us to an everlasting friendship.