So just after reading the title, what were you thinking? I bet a lot of you knows about it already, that's why for the knowledge of the others, I'm posting this! Been carrying this blessing for 18 weeks and 4 days now. Shocked to hear that "I" called this a blessing? I can't blame you, as for many of the people who knew me don't label as that optimistic, fond of babies and wanna-have-a-family-at-young-age type of person. People know me as a person who'd want to achieve more and always being on top of my game, but as the old saying goes, "People change." So, why can't I?

get myself to arguing with my teammates who luckily got that number on their shirt, pestering them to swap with me. Sad to say, they don't want to trade with me and it sure pisses me but anyway, still pisses me when I remember it. *sniff* *sniff*
Before the year 2008 struck, I was already hoping I'd have a good luck on that mystifying year. Superstitious I can be sometimes, I searched the internet (Yahoo! horoscope, as always) about 2008 horoscope under my sign. Kapoosh! There it was, the prediction just hit the right spot, "Be
married.....and have a baby."
Since the time I yahooed the net, can't stop thinking about it already. A pang of enlightenment and fulfillment of the prediction filled my whole system. Like I've been SO CERTAIN, backed up by my gut feeling that the prediction and my dream will connive on 2008.

When March 2008 came, the period I so wished not to come, didn't come! I've never been delayed in my entire womanhood, only advanced. As any normal woman would do, I waited for days and weeks before concluding, 3 weeks after my expected first day of period to be exact. After many days of hoping for the period not to come, then and there, my hubby and I bought two PT. After the result, just as I thought, I never felt any regret nor fear, just pure happiness and excitement that it's positive.
From that day on, I rarely feel fear but never guilt nor regret. I always counted myself as one of the lucky woman who completely welcomes this arrival. Pitying those who ignore and feel ashame about it. Shame on you, you don't deserve that blessing. Should have been given to unfortunate barren women who've always wanted to carry, bear and have a child.
I detest listening to news about babies being abandoned and preggies who undergo abortion. F.U.!
Anyway, enough of the swearing. I'm just so happy. It's real and exciting. Now, you know mates that I've changed. Change of opinion and maternal instinct, both of these may have conquered me but I can never revoke from these. I've welcomed it with open arms and legs, everything that I can open just to welcome it.
And so mates, now, this is me, I'm happy for me so be happy for me.
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