I love you bebeh. Or should I say, Daddy?
Been almost 4 years now since we've known each other. It's really a long and complicated of which I apologize because I can't blurt out the whole story. It's just too long. Anyway, now I'm having a hard time on practicing calling my hubby, "Daddy" or "Dad", since I've been used to calling him "Bebeh" or "Beh" for roughly 4 years now. It's just not that easy. But I need to, so that our baby will know how to call his father as "Daddy" once he arrives into this world.
Sometimes, I know I get our baby confused everytime I mention baby, since there are 3 babies in the house. My niece, Bridgette, of which I call "baby", my hubby, of which I call "bebeh" and this little swimmer inside me, which of course I also call "baby". Can't call it by its real name yet as to we haven't found out yet whether it's boy or girl. That's what we're going to find out on my hubby's birthday, which is also Check up/Ultrasound Day. So mates, watch out for that!
I gotta start calling my hubby from now on, "Daddy". I love you Daddy.
Thanks for always being there, so patient, so loving, so caring, so responsible, so loyal. If not for your being so kind, we wouldn't have ended this way, a happily ever after.

I love you so much and I know that you know and you can feel that. Been keeping my promise and I will forever stick to that, no matter what happens.
I love you and I appreciate every effort that you do and most of all admire your determination in achieving your dreams. I'm sorry if I may make you feel tied down sometimes, but I've always wanted you to achieve them. I'm happy if you're happy because I love you.
Congratulations, you're becoming a father now and I, a mother. I know we'll be well, God is with us, nobody can ever stand against us.
I love you Daddy and I love you baby.
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